Lanigan Disputes Izzo’s Low Primary Voter Turnout Claim
Rome, NY — On the heels of a monumental Primary Election win on June 27, 2023., Jeffrey M. Lanigan is disputing claims by his opponent that turnout was low, and that timing was a problem in getting her voters to the polls.
In several post-primary interviews, Jackie Izzo has repeatedly claimed that there was a low voter turnout for the primary which contributed to her significant loss to political newcomer Lanigan. However, the actual numbers and facts tell a very different story. Izzo has lost nearly 17% of Republican support since her initial election race in 2015 and the number of votes cast for her has decreased with each primary election.
In response to Izzo’s comments, Lanigan said, “I agree that the dip in primary voters in 2019 may possibly have been tied to the change in primary voting from September to June. But it’s been 4 years since the change was made and we saw a 40% increase in voter participation in the 2023 Primary as compared to 2019. That’s 756 voters who came out in 2023 that did not come out in 2019 and 173 more voters that turned out for the Izzo-Lanigan Primary than those who voted in the Izzo-Fusco race. I am truly humbled by the support I’ve received and want to thank everyone who voted.”
The attached graph shows the real story of mayoral Primary Elections in Rome beginning with the 2015 Primary. Ms. Izzo is entitled to her own opinion but not her own facts.
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