Lanigan Condemns Vandalism of Opponents Signs
Jeffrey Lanigan, Republican Candidate for Mayor of Rome is condemning the vandalism of political signs, saying “People should make their voices heard at the polls with their vote on Election Day, not by defacing or damaging political signs.” Lanigan has taken note that one of his opponent’s signs was vandalized and is now being circulated via social media. He went on to say that his campaign has also experienced vandalism and theft and “there is no circumstance where this should be acceptable. My opponent and I have spent considerable amounts of resources, time, and energy purchasing and installing these signs with our campaign teams. I ask that if you support me, my campaign, and a change for Rome, please refrain from defacing or vandalizing my opponent’s signs.”
Lanigan says he understands that tensions may be high with his recent Republican primary victory over the 2-term incumbent Mayor, but he cautioned that tampering with any election sign is illegal.
Lanigan (Rep. and Ind.) is up against incumbent Jackie Izzo (Con.) for mayor in the November 7, City of Rome general election.
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