Why I Ran for Mayor
Please allow me to take a moment to explain why, I wanted to serve as Rome’s next mayor…
I shop in Rome, patronize local restaurants with my family and friends, attend and participate in Rome’s community events and will send my son to Rome Public Schools. Rome will always be my home. After reflecting on a career in public safety, my desire to continue serving the community I love as Mayor has never been greater.
Public safety is more than crime statistics. It is imperative that Rome is not only safe by the numbers but is recognized by residents and visitors as a safe community. Bail reform has presented some significant challenges for the RPD and the court system, but that shouldn’t mean we throw in the towel. One of the key priorities of local government is public safety, and we need to find local solutions for problems that the state and federal governments won’t help with. Whether that means new initiatives, laws or policies, we must do more.
As I travel the streets it saddens me to see the deterioration of once beautiful neighborhoods. If we want to grow our economy and attract new residents, businesses, and jobs we must focus on cleaning up our neighborhoods. If left unchecked, the decay will continue to expand, and our neighborhoods may be lost forever. No one wants to live in a neighborhood that is plagued with drugs, noise, graffiti, junk and litter.
Because respect, communication, and transparency are critical components of a successful government.
My greatest strength is my ability to work effectively with many different people and to treat them all with respect. My administration will be responsible and courteous. We will address all concerns, suggestions, ideas and complaints in a timely fashion. Rome constituents will not be ignored. My administration will create meaningful connections, it will be sincere, and it will communicate both the good and bad news. These are the foundations of creating an inclusive and transparent local government. We will accomplish this by engaging the community in regular town hall meetings and using technology to its fullest to keep residents informed.
We have seen great strides at Griffiss Business and Technology Park, but we also need to have a small business development and retention strategy. Small businesses are the backbone of any community providing unique experiences and character. We need to encourage and support entrepreneurship by developing innovative programs and services for small business owners.
To be successful our leaders need to be active participants in their communities. I have volunteered for organizations, participated in community events, led teams for charities, and coached youth sports. I know firsthand how important those roles are. I am and will continue to be involved in the community.
Working together as a team is critically important for Rome to continue toward reaching our fullest potential. Input and collaboration from our employees is paramount. Our employees are the backbone of the organization, and they are the experts in their respective fields. Garnering their ideas and knowledge will allow for a better working environment and will result in better services to our constituency. My administration WILL create a strong working relationship with members of the Common Council and the various community organizations that contribute to this great City. Aligning business, community, and government to achieve social, economic, and environmental outcomes is best done when people are invested and work together toward common goals.
The City has experienced some private economic development wins under the current administration due to the economic climate in recent years. There has also been unprecedented funding coming from state and federal governments in the last several years. Funding sources such as the New York State Downtown Redevelopment Initiative and the American Rescue Plan alone have put millions toward the City’s initiatives. Rome is extremely lucky to have a qualified and talented team in the Community and Economic Development Department. MV EDGE has also been instrumental in furthering Rome’s interests. With the right leadership, staffing and public/private partnerships, success will not only continue under my administration, but we will elevate the City to the next level.
Local government is responsible for providing quality services for the people and businesses we serve. From public safety, planning, community programs and events to the most fundamental services including waste collection, road improvements, water and sewer. My administration will practice good governance principles including responsibility, accountability and transparency to make better decisions, increase efficiencies and improve even the most basic services.
The greatest challenges of the next 50 years will be solved first at a local level. The actions of smaller communities like Rome will lead the way for widespread change. I believe that with the right leadership, Rome can prosper. The City and region are positioned to capitalize on the upcoming growth cycle like never before.